May 4, 2011

Fun around the house

The kids are having fun now that Lincoln is mobile.  They LOVE to play with him, on him and around him.  I spend most of my days trying to keep him alive.  But on the bright side he LOVES his brother and sisters.  Avery loves to mother him and talk to him like he is her baby.  She also like to sing him his song every time he gets upset.  It is so cute to here her sing "I love you a bushel and a peck".  And it always works to calm him down.   Boston likes to scream in his face and roar at him, so that is fun, (not really).  That is only when I can get him off of the Ipad.  Boston is totally addicted. Brighton is the best at playing Peek a Boo with Lincoln.  His face lights up whenever she is around and he just waits staring intently at her till she starts to play it with him.  Lincoln is such a joy and the sweetest smiliest baby.  He is perfect in every way except for the whole sleeping at night thing.  But hey sleep is highly over rated, right?

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