June 12, 2012

Slacker! March update

So I am a total slacker and have not posted on forever so we have to do a bit of a re cap.....
March was rad! Just kidding not much happened in March.  Dean and I started a weight loss contest, so fun.  Not really, I am sure it was hellish on the kids to have dieting parents.  No worries they survived.

The first lovely day we had Dean and I took the kids to Temple Square via the train.  They loved it and we all had a great time.  We are so blessed to have such a lovely and spiritual place to take our kids to.  Even thought they are the crazy ones screaming and running around like hooligans, we do have a few moments here and there where they remember where we are and stop to feel of the spirit. Here are a few pics...

Oh and if you are wondering where the teenager is she is at school.  And lets be honest here has to be seriously bribed to hang out with us.

Also I dyed my hair back to blonde (it was red for the winter) and Brighton had to teach me how to take teenage style pictures of myself via my phone.  Here is our lesson....How do ya think I did?

I will never understand why teens have to do this almost daily.  I had to to show my Momma my new hair.  I promise!

Deans Papa J died in March and we were blessed to be able to attend the funeral.  He was a lovely man whom all the grand kids loved and adored.  It was a beautiful service, the kids got to sing a primary song and it was perfect.

 This is our chubby pic....We are much cuter and thinner now! ;)
I know Avery was there but alas no pic.

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