September 21, 2012

My baby is 2

It is with a heavy heart that I write this post.  My Stinkin Lincoln is 2 today.  Officially a toddler, no more a baby.  I am soooo sad.
Lincoln is a holy terror who always keeps me on my toes.  This summer has been a barrage of accidents.  Lots of huge goose eggs on his sweet head.  One set of stitches that was so deep he had to be sedated. His legs are always scratched up and bruised.  He is all boy and a crazy one at that. He recently learned how to climb out of his crib and fall to the floor.  I know he is up by the loud thud I can hear downstairs.  I had hoped to keep him contained in a crib for at least another 6 months but alas such is life.   We will be buying a toddler bed sometime this week.   I was really getting tired of the insanity that Lincoln creates at home, and not sure what to do to stop him. Luckily as soon as Boston and Avery started school and he is getting a lot more 1 on 1 time with me he is much better. 

Lincoln has a fun teasing personality.  Whenever he is in trouble he runs away from me, stops and then wags his finger at me and says "No, no, no".  He is a stinker.  I love him so much and am sad to see him growing up so fast.  He is still a binkie baby and we will take it away tomorrow.  I am dreading it, he really loves his binkie and silkie.  Lincoln is very smart and he listens and always knows what I want him to do.  Now actually doing it is not usually the case.  He doesn't talk very much which has been a concern for me.  But our doctor has assured me many times that it is very normal for the youngest not to say much.  It is very frustrating for both of us, but I am hopeful with the kids at school he will try to talk a little more.

After sending the older 3 off to school, I am even more grateful to still have Lincoln at home with me.  I was always sad we had to wait to have him and didnt like that he was 27 mos younger than Avery. Because of his Sept birthday he will not go to school for another 4 years. I am so glad I get to spend so much time with him. I am glad that he gets to be my little sidekick for a while.

Stinkin Lincolns favorites:
Food: Gogurt he eats them by the dozen
Toy:  Balls and rocks, seriously rocks
He loves Mickey Mouse.  He always wants to wear his Mickey shirts and watch Mickey on TV
He says Momma more than any other word.  Not that he says many words.
Lincoln knows all his animal sounds, and loves to play Dinosaurs and can roar with the best of them.
Lincoln is very spoiled and most nights gets to stay up late with Mom and Dad.  We are ruining him.  But I just cant help myself.  I love him so much and so do his sisters and brother.  We love ya buddy!

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